Natural steroids in foods: a healthy way to build the body
Natural steroids

Hello everyone, in touch “”! I have already said many times that it’s against the novice athletes, bodybuilders (especially non-competitors) using some kind of chemistry to increase their strength and muscle mass. I will even say more: I think that without them everyone who does not care about the momentary, but the “long-playing” result can do without them. I am talking about what is called “natural steroid”. Today we consider only the main points, namely: what it is and what classes exist. In addition, we learn about the most powerful natural anabolic steroids that provide high-quality muscle growth, i.e. let’s talk about food.

What is steroid drugs: an introduction to the theory

It is very important at the initial stage of bodybuilding to save newcomers from any rash decisions towards the use of various chemical “accelerators” of growth. Often, it is the newbies who are tempted to somehow urge their muscles to grow more quickly, and here they (to some extent) can be understood, because they come to the gym, and all around are such “mature” strokes, and you their background somehow get lost.

And then involuntarily all sorts of thoughts start to get into my head, like: “something is not right here,” “some kind of setup”, “maybe I don’t know something?”. And, often, it turns out that they do not know everything – what basic exercises are, how to eat right, that there is some kind of exercise technique, and so on. So, the easiest way out of the situation – the use of “pharma”. However, I assure you, dear reader, you can do without them. To do this, you just need to know which side to approach this issue. So, let’s go to deal with our chemistry :).

In general, according to science, steroid drugs are drugs / substances that stimulate the synthesis of protein in the body (some drugs from sports pharmacology can be seen by reference). In other words, these are substances that contribute to the accelerated formation and renewal of the structural parts of cells, tissues, muscles. They also contribute to the fixation of calcium in the bones, which is manifested in an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles. If we consider this definition a bit wider, then anabolic steroids are all that helps the body grow. Therefore, cottage cheese and eggs can also be attributed to the latter, because they help to move the nitrogenous balance in a positive direction, which means they contribute to growth.

Note: Nitrogen balance is the difference between the amount of nitrogen that is ingested with food, and released from it (often in the form of salts and urea).

When it comes to bodybuilding, everyone understands that anabolic steroids are forbidden (by law) drugs, leading to an increase in strength and muscle indicators by affecting the body, and accelerating the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones (with energy).

Injectable anabolic steroids
Injectable anabolic steroids

Types of anabolic steroids

Anabolics are divided into:

  • steroid (androgenic) – the most powerful class of doping;
  • nonsteroidal.

In general, the following 5 main doping groups can be distinguished:

  • Anabolic steroid;
  • A growth hormone;
  • Insulin;
  • Anti-side;
  • Cutting drugs – for drawing muscles.

Note: Methane – the most famous anabolic steroid

Very often, athletes-chemists for the maximum effect use explosive mixture of combining several drugs. In this case, the synergy effect works, and the indicators increase much better. A positive functional effect on the organism of anabolic steroids manifests itself in: 1) a sharp increase in appetite (it can be said that it becomes “wolf”) 2) acceleration of recovery processes 3) increase in endurance and efficiency (become like a walking “energizer”) 4) increase in body weight 5 ) decrease in the fat layer; 6) increase in blood vessel filling. It is worth saying that side effects can easily (once and for all) eliminate the short-term effect of the use of this kind of doping.

In general, the topic of anabolic steroids (from the point of view of the chemistry of the process) is the subject of conversation for a number of articles. Yes, although they are dangerous for the body, but to know what and how it flows there and what conclusions it is worth drawing is necessary to know, and therefore, it is worth highlighting this question, and very thoroughly. In the meantime, we will focus on natural methods, and here we should remember the basic rule – for the predominance of muscle growth processes (anabolism) over their destruction (catabolism), it is enough to use anabolic means of natural origin, as well as some techniques that increase the body’s hormonal levels. So let’s take a closer look …

Natural steroids: Top 10 Products

We all have our own “food basket”, which we eat every day. For the most part, most athletes and bodybuilders try to adhere to the principle laid down in the power pyramid. However, in addition to “basic” products in the diet of athletes can be found products that have high biological value and good anabolic effect. These products include …

Natural Anabolic Beverages

Green tea

Green tea
Green tea

Besides the fact that it promotes weight loss, it also restores the bone structure (joints), cleanses the liver, promotes the active absorption of fats and prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases. And all this thanks to the active substance (boiflavonoid) – EGCG. It should be understood that no matter how useful the product is, there is the most preferred dosage for the body.

Dosage: One medium cup (250 ml) will provide your body with 200 mg of EGCG. Up to 3 such cups (500-750 ml) can be consumed per day.



Yes, despite the fact that coffee is a very controversial product in terms of health benefits, it can be classified as “natural steroids.” Many say that it has a negative effect on the heart. However, for bodybuilders – this is a very valuable drink, because in addition to improving performance, it has a thermogenic effect (“melts” them) on fats. By drinking coffee 1 hour before a workout, you lower the “sensitivity threshold” of your muscles, i.e. You can train more intensely.

Dosage: Use 1-2 medium cups of brewed coffee. On average, you get 100-200 mg of caffeine per day. Here the main emphasis on the fact that the welded. If instant coffee (in bags not more than 80-90 mg of caffeine), then it is better not to use this drink.



Real yogurt is a product obtained by adding certain types of bacteria to milk. They turn lactose into lactic acid and make yogurt sour and thick. Also, these living cultures allow for a long time to maintain an anabolic state in the digestive tract, by restoring its microflora. Yogurt promotes better and faster absorption of protein. In addition, he himself is a source of milk protein and calcium, which also has a positive effect on muscle growth. Therefore, we boldly refer it to the category of “natural steroids.”

Dosage: This sour-milk product can be consumed at any time of the day, except for the period – before and immediately after exercise. 100 gr. the product often contains 100-130 kcal, proteins – 5-7 grams, carbohydrates –15 grams, fats – 4 grams, calcium – up to 500 mg, glutamine – more than 1 grams. Of course, look at the release date and shelf life, because with every minute of biologically active bacteria is becoming less, which means that the anabolic properties of the product “melt before our eyes.”

Natural steroids in vegetables



Reduces the level of involvement of estrogen in the process of fat accumulation and enhances the anabolic effect of testosterone.

Dosage: You can eat 1-2 cups of fresh or boiled broccoli, and then you are guaranteed to get more than 90 mg of vitamin C and more than 45 mg of calcium.



Remember, there used to be a cartoon about a Papaya-navigator who constantly “cracked” spinach and was strong? So, all this is no accident, because it contains a lot of glutamine – an amino acid that promotes muscle growth and increase immunity. Spinach also makes your muscles stronger, thanks to octacosanol. Since Spinach is, in fact, 90% water, then it must be consumed in sufficient quantities and fresh.

Dosage: Eat at one time (2-3 times a week) to 300 gr. spinach leaves, thus you will provide yourself 22 kcal, 1g. glutamine, 3 gr. squirrel, 5 gr. fiber, 280 mg of calcium, 70 mg of vitamin C. Before training, spinach is better not to include in your diet.



It reduces the level of estrogen, speeds up the process of digestion and prevents the body from accumulating fat. Antioxidant apigenin (included in parsley) protects DNA cells from oxidation, thus keeping muscle and skin cells healthy.

Dosage: Eat both in a salad and separately – in pure form, in the amount of 2-3 bundles, 1-2 times a week, thus you will provide 10 mg of apegenin.


Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes

Contain two substances especially valuable to an organism – lycopene and quercetin. The first protects the body from cardiovascular diseases and male disease, prostatitis. The second – prevents clogging of the arteries, thereby allowing the blood to circulate more actively. Quercetin also helps muscles recover faster after a debilitating workout.

Dosage: It is worth saying that it is better not to use tomatoes, but derivatives of them: sauces, pastes, juices, etc., because lycopene is more active in them. One glass of tomato juice contains up to 25 mg of lycopene, while on average tomato is only 3 mg. In general, up to 5 tomatoes should be eaten per day.



Has acquired its sharp smell due to the sesodes in its composition neighboring components. Onions contain such a useful ingredient as APDS – it increases insulin secretion. It is best to use it (oddly enough) with a protein-carbohydrate drink, after a workout, so it will help the body better assimilate all the necessary substances.

Dosage: A small onion of lettuce (purple) onions after training. The best solution could be an omelet of 6-7 egg whites, seasoned with onions and tomatoes. Oh, I already drooling spit :).



Do you know that citrus fruits (in particular, pomelo, grapefruit) help to burn fat in the abdominal area, so if you work on abdominal muscles, eat more of them. Grapefruit reduces insulin and glucose in the blood, this is due to the content of soluble pectin in it. They prevent the flow of carbohydrates into the blood, which leads to a decrease in insulin levels.

Dosage: Consume 1 whole grapefruit (2 times a day), because it contains only 30 kcal, 2 grams of fiber, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 90 grams of vitamin C. Do not use within 2 hours after training.



Few of the athletes can be found in the diet of such fish as herring. I don’t know, maybe a Soviet film is to blame for everything, in which the main character said: “how nasty is your fish…” (meaning herring under a fur coat). It is worth knowing that this fish contains the largest (among the currently known products) amount of creatine. He, in turn, is one of the most important nutritional and energy components of the muscles. It not only allows you to increase them in volume, but also increases the intensity of the workout itself. In addition, it accelerates the delivery of nutrients to the muscles, which, ultimately, has a positive effect on the process of their growth and recovery.

Dosage: 200-250 grams of herring (1-2 hours before a workout) will provide your body with 17 grams. protein, 11 grams of fat, 3 grams of leucine (stimulates muscle growth) and 2 grams. creatine.

Actually, it was the last product from the top 10 best in building muscle mass, we can say that these natural steroid  means will make your muscles “swell” in the truest sense of the word.

In conclusion, I would like to say that for some reason, many bodybuilders forget about natural products in the body building business and prefer the notorious chemistry, forgetting that there are natural steroids that nature has given us. And this, in my opinion, is short-sighted. So, my dear, include a couple of these products in your diet, and your muscles will definitely say thank you!
