Dianabol before and after
Dianabol before and after

Many athletes who have just started to get involved in bodybuilding, use the dianabol before and after first cycle of steroid use. One of the most popular among beginners is methane solo, with the use of tamoxifen during after-treatment therapy.

What is methane?

Methandrostenolone (abbreviated as methane) is widely distributed in the AAS market under a variety of trade names. The most common are tableted: anabol, dianabol, danabol, methandienone, naposim. With the active substance content from 5 to 10 mg in a tablet.

There is also an injection form, but everywhere the active ingredient is methandrostenolone, and if someone tries to convince you that dianabol and naposim are different drugs, rest assured that this person does not know the subject. Methane, like any other drug AAS, is a synthetic derivative of the male sex hormone testosterone. Admission is dbol before and after only 10 mg. methandrostenolone is manifested in a fivefold increase in the average amount of male testosterone. This has a strong effect on protein metabolism, enhancing the synthesis of proteins and accelerating the production of protein by the body.

dianabol before and after

Using this cycle, many are pursuing the goal of increasing their body weight, and also increase muscle mass.

If you follow all the rules of the cycle correctly, then any beginner can increase his body weight by 7-10 kg. During the process, you can lose 2-5 kg ​​of water. Based on such opportunities, this cycle is the most in demand among beginners. Admission of the cycle consists of approximately 6 weeks, as in the future application of this cycle is not as effective before and after dianabol and there are no desired results, because the effect how much does dianabol cost of the drug after the cycle is significantly reduced.

Danabol should be dosed uniformly during the cycle, except for 1 week of this cycle. That there was no undesirable reaction of the stomach and intestines to the new drug, the intake is introduced:

  • The first and second day should take one pill every morning.
  • On the third day, take 1 tablet in the morning and one in the evening.
  • Starting with the fifth day, the pill is taken three times – in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

Take pills either during meals, or after.

It should be noted that the minimum dose during the intake of the first cycle of methane solo is 30 mg per day. In the case where the effect is insufficient or slow, it is possible to increase this dose to 50 mg per day. Take it in equal proportions.

Therapy after the cycle

When the cycle is completed, PCT is mandatory, during which tamoxifen is usually taken in most cases. Take tamoxifen after 2 days after the end of the cycle at a dosage of 20 mg per day.

Are there any side effects?

In case of correct application of the cycle of original drugs, side effects are unlikely. If the cycle was not applied correctly, these side effects may occur:

  1. The amount of estrogen hormones will increase in the body.
  2. Detention of fluid inside the body.
  3. The appearance of gynecomastia.
  4. Increases pressure, etc.

You can order methane on our site in order to pass the dianabol before and after first cycle of steroids. Our specialists will provide you with qualified assistance and will advise you on all issues.

Methane (Danabol) is popular and popular among other drugs that provide the fastest and most effective effect of increasing muscle mass. It has both anabolic and catabolic properties. When it is taken, protein fibers are less subjected to oxidation, which leads to the preservation of before and after dianabol their volume. In this case, danabol with after cycle therapy helps to eliminate the effects of lactic acid and helps to reduce the severity.


Conducting the cycle

Danabol refers to basic drugs, so its use is possible separately from drugs that eliminate side effects from it. When taking steroids, you can cause some damage to the liver, but the drug eliminates this moment, since the drug is taken after a meal. When taking this drug, it is dbol before and after necessary to take into account gender characteristics. For men, the maximum dosage is 50 mg per day, for women only 5. The same should be borne in mind and other features of admission:

  • 1. Whether there were other drugs before taking the cycle.
  • 2. Is there any intolerance to the components.
  • 3. Individual contraindications.
  • 4. Contentment of the result or the need to take other drugs for the desired effect.

Changes after the cycle

In view of the fact that this cycle is mainly used by beginners, their opinions are not often biased, as many are afraid of side effects. Athletes who dianabol before and after have much more experience and knowledge in this matter perceive the reception of the cycle more seriously and highly appreciate the result from it.

All the rest once again demonstrates that the drug justifies the statements of the manufacturers:

1. Increased anabolism of muscle fibers; 
2. Decreased level of testosterone, which can be normalized by other means; 
3. Increased appetite; 
4. Problems of the skin, for the elimination of which it is necessary to clean the liver of toxins that occur when taking the cycle; 
5. Increased strength of connective tissues; 
6. Increase physical abilities; 
7. After the cycle, the water in the body is removed after it has finished.

Professional athletes demonstrate ways to reduce side effects. Often, the weight gain is less than expected, but in rare cases, a rollback occurs. After the completion of the cycle, other cycles are needed that help to clear the liver and normalize the level of hormones in the body.

dbol before and after


So, if you want to quickly increase the power indicators and increase muscle mass, then methandrostenolone alone can help you effectively cope with the task. That’s why the scope of this drug – bodybuilding and powerlifting. And if in bodybuilding dianabol before and after methane is best taken at the stage of mass gaining, its use in powerlifting can be limited only by weight classes or by passing of doping controls, where it will “light up” even 3-6 months after the end of the cycle.

What To Expect From Dianabol – How To Bulk Up Fast!
